Month: June 2020

Welcome to the blog site for Marc Alderdice.

Don’t Forget to Dance tells our story. It shows how Mary and I were different when we met and how our backgrounds affected how we approached life and Alzheimer’s, both before and after diagnosis. The book shows what we did or didn’t do, what worked or didn’t work, for our circumstances. It’s written so that others can feel what we felt and see why certain decisions were made, as opposed to an attempt to tell others what they might do under similar circumstances.

These blogs are to take our experiences beyond just our story and to attempt to provide helpful insights for others. Some posts will relate to dealing with specifics of Alzheimer’s. Others will expand on an experience or concept covered in the book or an important event, such as the pandemic, that occurred after the book was completed. Some will be related to how to prepare for a happier life that can apply whether Alzheimer’s is in someone’s future or not. There are steps that can be taken, whether before or after diagnosis, that can help ensure as much happiness as possible regardless of what’s in the future—even blissful as noted in the subtitle.

Please feel free to send me comments or ideas for topics you would like to see addressed.

Alzheimer’s Isolation in COVID-19 Times

By Marc Alderdice / June 20, 2020 / 0 Comments

Assisted living facilities and nursing homes have been hit hard by COVID-19, resulting in total lockdowns with residents and families not able to see each other, some residents even dying […]

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