DON’T FORGET TO DANCE was written as a relevant story to be read and enjoyed, but also to show our conquests and defeats and how we dealt with Alzheimer’s disease. It’s not written to be a “how to” or “self-help” book. However, I believe there are many intriguing instances on how situations were handled that could apply to many similar situations in an Alzheimer’s environment…whether as good or bad examples. I also believe many of the concepts can be applied to almost everyone’s lives in general to help ensure a happier future, regardless of what comes their way.

Based on Mary’s and my experiences presented in the book, I have developed questions that are meant to be thought-provoking with no right or wrong answers. Responses will likely vary widely. These ideas or questions could be used for discussion by Support Groups, for families to talk through issues regarding a loved one, or just for individual introspection. If you are a caregiver, loved one or friend of a person with Alzheimer’s, many of the questions can, and should, be individualized to your particular situation, as there are so many different scenarios. Not only are all Alzheimer’s patients different, but all journeys are unique with the varying circumstances and people involved.

The basic questions provided for Support Groups are the same as those provided for Book Clubs. However, there is an additional question for each that allows you to relate or compare your personal experiences in dealing with Alzheimer’s to those presented in the book.

If you would like to receive a copy of these questions with additional questions for those involved with someone who has Alzheimer’s, please click here.